Sunday, 21 June 2009

Primal Fear

After Paris recommended me to watch this film which he thinks it is the best he has seen from Edward Norton, I immediately rent it home to find out whether it is true or not. I have always been obsessed to Edward Norton ever since I watched his Fight Club years ago. He is really good at protraying complex characters.

Whenever I listen to Edward Norton speaks, I can feel sort of strength in him. He has such a imperturbable voice that can always calm me down and make me feel safe. Maybe it is the tone or the intonation. I don't know. There is some mysterious power in his voice. It can bring us mildness and serenity. I love to hear he say anything.

His performance in this film was nothing but spetacular. It was so believable that when the unexpected twist occurred, I was literary dumb. Not to mention that it was his first time participated in a budget movie. He successfully protrayed two almost opposite characters in the same film and both were exordinarily believable. And this shining performance, without argument, won he an oscar nomination. He totally deserved it.

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