For the upcoming new sememster, I plan to choose many lit classes. I want to be prepared if I finally decide to go to foreign lit graduate school. Also, I want to quit my horrible habit of sloth. Thus, I intentionally make my schedule too full to idling a bit. Hope it will work. It must work!
Here is my course schedule:
D~7: work at office
2~4: lit writing
D~6:romantic lit
3~C: lit theory
5~7: oral training
1~4: work at office
5~6: service course
7~8: general course
2~4: French
D~6:victoria lit.
Also, I plan to join the photography club after classes cuz I found myself very interested in photography.
Overall, looks like it will be a very busy sememster.
I will survive! Let's get it on!
Monday, 31 August 2009
Wednesday, 26 August 2009

When they push when they pull, tell me can you hold on
When they say you should change, can you lift your head high and stay strong
Will you give up give in when your heart's crying out that it's wrong
Will you love you for you at the end of it all
In life, there's gonna be times when you feeling low
And in your mind insecurity seems to take control
We start to look outside ourselves for acceptance and approval
We keep forgettin' that the one thing we should know is
Don't be scard to fly alone, find a path that is your own
Love will open every door it's in your hands, the world is yours
Don't hold back and always know, all the answers will unfold
What are you waiting for, spread your wings and soar
The boy who wonders is he good enough for them
Keeps tryin' to please'em all but he just never seems to fit in
Then there's the girl who thinks she'll never ever be good enough for him
Keeps tryin' to change and that'sa game she'll never win
Now in life, there's gonna be times when you feeling low
And in your mind insecurity seems to take control
We start to look outside ourselves for acceptance and approval
We keep forgettin' that the one thing we should know is
Repeat Chorus
In the mirror is where she comes face to face with her fears
Her own reflection, now foreign to her after all these years
And of her life she has tried to be something besides herself
Now times has passed and she's ended up someone else with regret
What is ti in us that makes us feel the need to keep pretending
Gotta let ourselves be
Chorus x2
Sunday, 23 August 2009
I finally made up my mind to start my academic previewing. It's about time. I should make a good use of this last week of the wanton summer vacation. It was a good thing to relax a bit. But too much leisure time would easily become purposeless wasting of time. Well, there is nothing to regret. What is done is done. All I can do right now is to make sure the rest time of the vacation is meaningful and effecient. Go!
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Not Strong Enough
I cannot think, I can just feel.
This clogged mind has long tortured me since the summer after I graduated from high school, preparing to go to college.
After finishing the college entrance exame on July 2nd and 3rd, I thought I finally have a pressure-free long vacation waiting for me.
This clogged mind has long tortured me since the summer after I graduated from high school, preparing to go to college.
After finishing the college entrance exame on July 2nd and 3rd, I thought I finally have a pressure-free long vacation waiting for me.
Friday, 24 July 2009
Amazing stuff from So You Think You Can Dance
Emmy winning performance joined with the choreographer Wade Robson.
This is truly amazing.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Let Go
It is time to let go.
Just loosen up yourself.
Don't let the nerves dominate your body.
Have trust on others.
Have trust on yourself!
You cannot always hiding behind the indifferent smirk without any trying to believe everyone.
Just loosen up yourself.
Don't let the nerves dominate your body.
Have trust on others.
Have trust on yourself!
You cannot always hiding behind the indifferent smirk without any trying to believe everyone.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Primal Fear

After Paris recommended me to watch this film which he thinks it is the best he has seen from Edward Norton, I immediately rent it home to find out whether it is true or not. I have always been obsessed to Edward Norton ever since I watched his Fight Club years ago. He is really good at protraying complex characters.

His performance in this film was nothing but spetacular. It was so believable that when the unexpected twist occurred, I was literary dumb. Not to mention that it was his first time participated in a budget movie. He successfully protrayed two almost opposite characters in the same film and both were exordinarily believable. And this shining performance, without argument, won he an oscar nomination. He totally deserved it.

Saturday, 30 May 2009
Stop that whining! You are pathetic. Talking bad behind people is totally not nice, not honest. BAD.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Revolutionary Road
Reading the novel has been a mind torturing.
Richard Yates was really a wonderful story-teller.
He can make the readers feel the desperation of life by using the sarcastic description of those characters' feelings.
The bitterness of the sad theme that we can do nothing to escape from the helpness emptiness of our life pierces into we readers innermost sentimental weakness.
The impact the novel gave to us was tremendous.
We are just trying so hard to run away from the helpless emptiness of our whole life.
Haplessly, the result is always in vain.
We all can't help but stick in the pitying mediocrity.
Friday, 8 May 2009
The Departed
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Distraught Mind
It is because of the abrupt leave of the Restoration class which had troubled me so much that I can not find my strength to do any work this week.
There was a caterpillar called laziness crept on my back and had since stauched there for days.
I cannot get my energy to start working.
Can it be worse that the focus on reading and learning at classes has all gone. I can no longer stay concentrate at classes anymore.
Why does it happen to me?
There was a caterpillar called laziness crept on my back and had since stauched there for days.
I cannot get my energy to start working.
Can it be worse that the focus on reading and learning at classes has all gone. I can no longer stay concentrate at classes anymore.
Why does it happen to me?
Sunday, 3 May 2009
Harsh Times

Harsh Times is the kind of movie that will linger in the audience mind for days. The intense impact from the violent scenes would vehemently strikes their hearts without mercy. Christopher Bale's acting skill was so great that I had to hold my breath through the latter part of the film. I could feel the tension between his illusion and reality would explode in a paraxysm of rage. The side effect of the war haunted him years after he retired.
Monday, 6 April 2009

April 2, 2009, it was the night I have been waiting for months. It was the most exciting night in my entire Sophomore year, probably the most nernous too.
It was the night of our English Play Contest, and I, as a Sophomore, play as the main character for the drama.

The pressure upon me for the entire March was unimaginable. Nearly everyngight I had to practice for it, even weekends too. During those days, Every day all I could think about was how to act well, how to pose my body when speaking, and how to convey my emotion to the audience through the tone. To make the play better, I had sacrificed a lot, two weeks of the Restoration reading, the weekends to go home, and many others, because I could hardly focus thinking about things besides the play. The lines and the poses had occupied my mind all the time. When I took a shower, I would totally forget how long I had been there until the wrinkles appeared on my fingers. Also, I could not concentrate on my study for whenever I finished a paragraph, my mind would forthwith start idling to the acting. How to walk like and talk like even stand like a professor became my everyday study topics.

Finally, the show was over now.
Moreover, I won a Best Actor for myself.
Those are really memorable days!
Saturday, 4 April 2009
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
The Unbearable lightness of being lies in the deguise of ignorance.
Knowing that today is your birthday but no one else remember it.
If your brother you haven't seen for a long long time came to see you on that speicific day, you certainly would anticipate that he was coming to celebrate your birthday.
However, when you find out that he just coincidently came back on that day, not for your birthday, how sharp and strong emotion of disappointment you may feel.
To aggravate the situation, you have to hide your strong feeling of disappointment in the convesation just when you find out he was totally ignorant of your birthday.
You have to pretend like nothing happened. You have to deguise your feeling in front of him.
The lightness of your surface is exact the unbearable lightness of being.
Knowing that today is your birthday but no one else remember it.
If your brother you haven't seen for a long long time came to see you on that speicific day, you certainly would anticipate that he was coming to celebrate your birthday.
However, when you find out that he just coincidently came back on that day, not for your birthday, how sharp and strong emotion of disappointment you may feel.
To aggravate the situation, you have to hide your strong feeling of disappointment in the convesation just when you find out he was totally ignorant of your birthday.
You have to pretend like nothing happened. You have to deguise your feeling in front of him.
The lightness of your surface is exact the unbearable lightness of being.
How can I forget about her birthday?!
What a dumb ass I am!
She must have been anticipating my presents when she found out I was back.
Though she seemed like she was totally ignorant about her birthday, I know she still care about it.
How disappointed she might feel after she knew I really forgot about it!
Oh god, how can I be such a careless selfish brother!
Wish I can find a way to compensate her.
What a dumb ass I am!
She must have been anticipating my presents when she found out I was back.
Though she seemed like she was totally ignorant about her birthday, I know she still care about it.
How disappointed she might feel after she knew I really forgot about it!
Oh god, how can I be such a careless selfish brother!
Wish I can find a way to compensate her.
Monday, 9 March 2009
Start Making Money
This sememster I start to take a partime job in the English Department Office. Although the job more like an assistant of the teaching assistants, which included making phone calls to notify trivia, sending mails to the professors, and copying papers, etc, it is kind of pleasant to earn some money for myself. Hope I will learn how to negotiate with others and make the working experience more valuable to my future life.
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Caught On The Spot
Walking on the street, meanwhile thinking about going the way crossing the elementary school, I was just about passing the star cram school where I had gone for my entire junior high school days. For the sake of the past glorious memories in that four floors building, I took a glimpse inside the school out of curiosity, and perhaps a bit nostalgia. That was a mistake.
As I turned my head in 45 degree and about to take a quick glance over the windows, I saw a woman just walking out towards me. Damn! Although I hadn't given the woman a entire look, I immediately recognized who she was--the owner of the building, the one who run the entire business of the cram school, and the one who once taught me for two years at the elementary school. But that was not exactly a good timing for reuniting with the teacher I used to respect a lot, because my hands were occupied by my dinner box and a bottle of tea. It was kind of embarrassing to talk to a teacher with hands full of food. Therefore, according to my instinct, I pretended not seeing her and quickly went by. Haplessly, she saw me. "Where are you going?" I began to sweat. I was caught on the spot. How embarrassed I was. Not only did I have to turn around to greet her, letting her see my hands full of food, but also I got to face the awkwardness of pretending not seeing her just a few seconds ago. You cannot imagine how much sweat I got just in these few seconds.
I wished I could just keep walking and feigning she recognized wrong person. But I couldn't. I had to face the awdwardness of the situation and try to make up for the mistake. So I turned back to her, saying I was sorry for not greeting her. No, I did not apologize. I just pretended the ignoring never happened, merely saying I was surprised that she still recognized me after all these years, and hinded my awkwardness furtively. Thankfully she did too. She only saluted me and asked about my study career, and encouraged me to work hard. Oh god, how relieved I was for not being blamed for the indiferency. Thus I just tried my best to smile back and saying things politely. At last, I promised her I would say hello to my parents for her and walked away.
Such an awkward experience really abound the boring vacation with some interesting anecdotes, helping me get rid of the helpless emptiness in life.
As I turned my head in 45 degree and about to take a quick glance over the windows, I saw a woman just walking out towards me. Damn! Although I hadn't given the woman a entire look, I immediately recognized who she was--the owner of the building, the one who run the entire business of the cram school, and the one who once taught me for two years at the elementary school. But that was not exactly a good timing for reuniting with the teacher I used to respect a lot, because my hands were occupied by my dinner box and a bottle of tea. It was kind of embarrassing to talk to a teacher with hands full of food. Therefore, according to my instinct, I pretended not seeing her and quickly went by. Haplessly, she saw me. "Where are you going?" I began to sweat. I was caught on the spot. How embarrassed I was. Not only did I have to turn around to greet her, letting her see my hands full of food, but also I got to face the awkwardness of pretending not seeing her just a few seconds ago. You cannot imagine how much sweat I got just in these few seconds.
I wished I could just keep walking and feigning she recognized wrong person. But I couldn't. I had to face the awdwardness of the situation and try to make up for the mistake. So I turned back to her, saying I was sorry for not greeting her. No, I did not apologize. I just pretended the ignoring never happened, merely saying I was surprised that she still recognized me after all these years, and hinded my awkwardness furtively. Thankfully she did too. She only saluted me and asked about my study career, and encouraged me to work hard. Oh god, how relieved I was for not being blamed for the indiferency. Thus I just tried my best to smile back and saying things politely. At last, I promised her I would say hello to my parents for her and walked away.
Such an awkward experience really abound the boring vacation with some interesting anecdotes, helping me get rid of the helpless emptiness in life.
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Less Than Three Weeks To Go
It is time to strive hard for the next sememster. I overheard that some of my classmates have already previewed at least two weeks' shedule. OMG, I've only flipped through about three pages. I have no clue what I was doing in the last three weeks. Idling away on the Internet, wasting time on the soap opera, and simply sleeping all day are the typical days of my wanton vacation. WHAT ON EARTH WAS I DOING!! It's only three weeks to go, and my book is still clean like never been read before! This is got to stop. I have to start working hard straight to the goal, or I would be left far behind others on the day to school in spring. Okay. Gather. Now I gonna arrange my schedule carefully for rest of the few holidays. I have to use it efficiently. No time to waste anymore. GO GO GO!
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