I had heard about this movie from Tommy. He said that it was a very shocking movie, very worthwatching. And I tell you the truth--it really is. The movie was way beyond my expectation. With the vivid portrait of humanity, it mentioned a lot of Bible chapters through a psychiclike woman who pulled everything into the Bible plot. Upon seeing this, I was very resentful toward her, for she misleading people to blindly trust in God, and even intigate her audience to kill people as sacrifices. That was absurd.
Though the well depicted of humanity did amaze me, I still didn't like the ending. I thought that committing suicide was what coward would do. Even though there seemed no hope anymore, we can still fight. Fight for the right to live. Fight for the people in the supermarket. We should never choose the way suicide to end our live. Or there would not be the cruel moment that the enemy was defeated, and all homosapiens are survive instead of the four he killed. I was really not appreciated the plot of the ending.

Still, there is one thing worth mentioning--the boy. The boy played the role of the kid was really good. He delievered his emotions so well that I was almost cried on the spot. This boy really can act!