April 2, 2009, it was the night I have been waiting for months. It was the most exciting night in my entire Sophomore year, probably the most nernous too.
It was the night of our English Play Contest, and I, as a Sophomore, play as the main character for the drama.

The pressure upon me for the entire March was unimaginable. Nearly everyngight I had to practice for it, even weekends too. During those days, Every day all I could think about was how to act well, how to pose my body when speaking, and how to convey my emotion to the audience through the tone. To make the play better, I had sacrificed a lot, two weeks of the Restoration reading, the weekends to go home, and many others, because I could hardly focus thinking about things besides the play. The lines and the poses had occupied my mind all the time. When I took a shower, I would totally forget how long I had been there until the wrinkles appeared on my fingers. Also, I could not concentrate on my study for whenever I finished a paragraph, my mind would forthwith start idling to the acting. How to walk like and talk like even stand like a professor became my everyday study topics.

Finally, the show was over now.
Moreover, I won a Best Actor for myself.
Those are really memorable days!